Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dearest CCAD...

Dearest Columbus College of Art and Design,
You have been a wonderful school, albeit a tough one. You have caused me panic attacks on several occasions, a trip to the emergency room, two speeding tickets racing to get to you, and days on end without so much as a nap. You have cost me more money than I care to remember or want to think about, and challenged my over all mental stability. I have come to know you so well. Your brand new buildings, as well as your dilapitated ones with seemingly no heat. I have cursed your name on thousands of occasions. However, I defied the level 2 snow warnings in a Ford Taurus and another few times in a 2 door Grand Am just to reach you. Then to be told you were done for the day and to return home.
I met people just like me through you. I met people I dispised entirely. I found encouragment, hope, and a future there. I also found harsh critiques, tough love, and frustration. You taught me that my car can be a bedroom and an office. That fashion doesn't always fall inbetween pages in a magazine. That art can be found on bathroom stalls. That everything can be said in a few sketchy lines.
Without you, I might be who I was before I met you. Without a car, without a job. A life of bad habits with bad people. You helped me shape myself into who I really am. Who I could become. No, I didn't like you all those years, but you knew what to do with me. And for that I love you, CCAD.
Thank you for all of it.

1 comment:

Denny Griffith said...

Wow. What a great series of observations. Has the ring of authenticity throughout. We aren't perfect - no enterprise is. But I loved your message.

Denny Griffith