Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Things and Whatnot

Here's one of my recent watercolor adventures. This was a house I took a picture of in Florida a summer ago. I'm finding that I like doing architecture more than landscape.

I'm also doing a big craft fair this weekend at Lodge Bar in Columbus, Ohio if anyone's interested. It's downtown in the arena district from 11 to 6 Saturday. There's also drawings and fun things to do so come on dooooooooown.

Here's a new print too, I'm pretty stupid for HGTV lately for some reason so I'm drawing a lot houses and homey things.

Also Lee, Cherry, and I went for a walk by the river Sunday and we took a bunch of pictures of the always lovely autumn colors, so expect even more tree oriented prints soon, when I have time. Oh, time, where have you gone...


aaaa said...

wow the second one rock!!

great works btw ;D

Erimentha said...

wow! i love your work. so perfectly sums up my best friend.

ill have to introduce it to her.

but for now, thank you ^^