Monday, November 10, 2008


So, more and more I find myself zoning out at work thinking of how great it would be to do art full-time. I'm talking with a guy who wrote a book about a dog, it's already got a publisher I think, but it's down to me and two other people. It would be a wonderful step to take.

Cherry Berry--------------------------------->
I don't know how I feel about my's a good entry level job. Steady paychecks. It's by far the best job I've had so far (except when I was 16 and worked on a horse farm, that was awesome).

I think I want to do more with canvas. Ink on canvas or something. I signed up for the December art sale yesterday. I guess signups started the 3rd and no one said anything. I hope I get in because I've done so much stuff for it that isn't on Etsy.

I also was invited to join the Color in Crafting Team on Etsy. I was really surprised, as I always am when anyone likes my work enough to do or say something about it. Hah.

My Paper n Stitch shop opens on Friday, hurray! More advertising.

Well, back to business.

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